Getting to DjangoCon Europe

Supporting Our Members

We see the members of our community contributing to open source, applying to talks, volunteering their time, and doing all kinds of things that often has them stepping outside of their comfort zone. It can be hard.

We also realize that the financial burden can make it harder and can be a barrier to doing some amazing things. We want to try to help if we can. We've allocated a portion of our funds to support our members in their quest to attend conferences. We encourage, and will continue going forward as funding allows, everyone to apply for financial assistance if attending a conference will create a financial burden.

We are so excited to announce the launch of our financial support for our community members to attend conferences. We announced this internally one month ago and within that time we were able to help support 3 Djangonaut Space members in attending various conferences for the first half of this year, including DjangoCon Europe and PyCon Italy. We are excited to continue offering this benefit to all of our community members who might need it: Djangonauts, Stars, Navigators, Captains, and even Organizers!

This means these people will be able to attend talks, give talks, connect with the wider Django and Python communities, but also join sprints and continue their contributing journey! Providing this opportunity could be a life changing event for some.

Celebrating Our Wins

Recently at DjangoCon Europe, we saw so many wins:
⭐ Keanya give a talk with her colleague, Tobias, about pair programming
⭐ Eli give a talk about contributing to Django and her step by step guide including her experience with Djangonaut Space
⭐ Raffaella gave a lightning talk about her experience with Djangonaut space
⭐ Dawn gave a workshop about dev containers
⭐ Tom gave a talk about the Django Admin
⭐ A panel discussion with DSF board members including Thibaud Colas, Sarah Abdermane
⭐ Rachell gave a talk with her colleague, Anna, celebrating Django Girls 10 year anniversary
⭐ Thibaud gave a talk about blogging with Django and Wagtail
⭐ Moe’s talk was selected but unfortunately he was unable to make it, so keep your eyes on this space for his virtual talk

These are some contributions to this conference from some of our Djangonaut Space members including organizers, officers, and former Djangonauts. We hope to see this trend continuing as we add new members and support their contributions going forward.

If you’d like to help us to continue supporting our community members, consider donating as a GitHub Sponsor ( , or on OpenCollective ( .