2024 Session 2 Team Introductions!

Djangonauts Onboarding

In preparation for our next session starting in June 2024, we wanted to introduce the new teams for this session! 🎉

📝 Program Details:

Program Start Date: June 17, 2024
Program End Date: August 12, 2024

Spanning eight weeks, the Djangonauts Space Session 2 is a group mentoring program where participants engage in self-paced, yet structured learning. It's an excellent opportunity for those who are eager to contribute more significantly to Django, including the core library and several third-party packages.

💻 Projects:

Volunteers have been carefully paired with Djangonauts, creating teams based on timezone, project interests, and a well-rounded mix of skills. We added a question for applicants to select which projects they would be comfortable contributing with.

Because Django will have a feature freeze during the same time period of this session, we decided to have two Django Core teams and create three teams focusing on third party packages.

👏 👏 Let's welcome all the new teams for Session 2 of 2024! 👏 👏

Django core

Navigator: Ryan Cheley
Captain: Emmanuel Katchy
Djangonauts: Andy Miller, Rosana, Maryam

Django core

Navigator: Carlton Gibson
Captain: Mohammad Alsakhawy
Djangonauts: Vaarun Sinha, Alex Gómez, Wassef

The magical reactive component framework for Django ✨

Navigator: Adam Hill
Captain: Marijke Luttekes
Djangonauts: Mario Munoz, Rahmat Akintola

Simple tagging for Django

Navigator: Raphael Gaschignard
Captain: Keanya Phelps
Djangonauts: Miguel Johnson, Antoine Wood, Anna Astori


This is a web app, not a library! Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects.

Navigator: Jeff Triplett
Captain: Lilian Tran
Djangonauts: Farhan Ali Raza, Felipe de Morais, Victoria Cruces

👥 Officers

We are so grateful for all of the volunteers who offered their time, if they’re in this session or maybe a future one. This program can happen because of these volunteers stepping up and committing their time, energy, and empathy to our program. 🙌

All of our Captains for this session are former Djangonauts, something that we find great pride in. This is one of the goals of this program: to create a sustainable program by creating and supporting new contributors. This includes contributors to Django Core and other packages in the Django universe, but also contributing to community initiatives like Djangonaut Space. These Captains, having recently gone through the program themselves, have a fresh perspective and empathy to offer the incoming Djangonauts and we are excited that they have volunteered to help this program grow.

🚀 Djangonauts

This session we were overwhelmed with the enthusiasm and demand for this program from our applicants. We had a total of 144 applications submitted over the three week period. We had to narrow it down to select 15 Djangonauts, not an easy task but we landed on the above 5 teams of Djangonauts and wonderful volunteers.

We want to extend our gratitude and appreciation for all of the interest for this session, to all the members of our large django community who have supported us, shared our posts, and encouraged people to apply, but also to all of the volunteers and applicants who have put trust in us as a community.

We hope you are as excited as we are to embark on this new adventure for this session! We invite you to connect with us on social media to join in celebrating the achievements of our new Djangonauts. Your support means a lot, and together, we can amplify the successes within our community. 💜
