Entries for date "2024"

Announcing Djangonaut Space Session 3 Applications Open!

Are you ready to embark on a celestial journey through the Django universe? We’re elated to open the doors for Djangonaut Space Session 3 applications! As part of our ongoing mission to nurture growth and expertise within the Django community, this session offers participants an extraordinary opportunity to advance their skills and deepen their involvement in the Django ecosystem. Whether you’re eager to sharpen your technical expertise or aspire to …

Djangonaut Selection Process

Hi folks!

For our first two sessions we’ve only been able to select 10% of the applicants. With such a low selection rate, it’s likely that people are going to feel demoralized after a few rejections. We’d like to share what we use to evaluate prospects and how we make our selections. The goal here isn’t to make it easier to game the system, but to encourage people to keep …

2024 Session 2 Team Introductions!

Djangonauts Onboarding

In preparation for our next session starting in June 2024, we wanted to introduce the new teams for this session! 🎉

📝 Program Details:

Program Start Date: June 17, 2024
Program End Date: August 12, 2024

Spanning eight weeks, the Djangonauts Space Session 2 is a group mentoring program where participants engage in self-paced, yet structured learning. It's an excellent opportunity for those who are eager to contribute more significantly …


Getting to DjangoCon Europe

Supporting Our Members

We see the members of our community contributing to open source, applying to talks, volunteering their time, and doing all kinds of things that often has them stepping outside of their comfort zone. It can be hard.

We also realize that the financial burden can make it harder and can be a barrier to doing some amazing things. We want to try to help if we …

Session 1 Featured ⭐ Stars ⭐

During our first official session of Djangonaut space, these folks worked diligently with unwavering commitment to their work but also in supporting their fellow Djangonauts. We proudly present them as the ⭐ Stars ⭐ of our community.

Our Stars are more than just developers; they are visionaries, problem solvers, and trailblazers, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in open source.

Each Star brings their unique expertise to our community, whether …