Entries for tag "2024"

Session 1 Featured ⭐ Stars ⭐

During our first official session of Djangonaut space, these folks worked diligently with unwavering commitment to their work but also in supporting their fellow Djangonauts. We proudly present them as the ⭐ Stars ⭐ of our community.

Our Stars are more than just developers; they are visionaries, problem solvers, and trailblazers, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in open source.

Each Star brings their unique expertise to our community, whether …

Meet our Session 1, 2024 Djangonauts!

In preparation for our next session starting in January 2024, we wanted to share some updates and introduce our new Djangonauts.

In the midst of sorting through a pile of amazing applications, we found ourselves facing the challenging task of selecting just 18 outstanding individuals for this round—no small feat given the 172 impressive applications we received.

These 18 Djangonauts caught our eye for all the right reasons: their applications …